Control Quality sees an end to April having achieved multidisciplinary technical success, despite difficulties imposed by COVID-19

Published on
02 May 2021

Despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Control Quality continues to strive constantly to guarantee high levels of customer satisfaction while observing the unconditional maintenance of its multiple pre-existing and newly implemented internal policies as well as of its technical competence within the scope of regulatory guideliness.

April 2021

As a result of the efforts of its teams, in April 2021 the company was successful in ensuring (a) the renewal of its register to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture as a superintendent and grains grader at the Port of Santos; (b) maintaining the recognition of its laboratory by the Brazilian Navy for carrying out physicochemical tests on soybean meal intended for international maritime transit; (c) the extension of its ISO 17025 accreditation scope with the Brazilian regulator INMETRO; and (d) the status of approved analyst for grain and feed by GAFTA.

What to expect from the coming months

It is the desire of the entire Team Control Quality, above all, that the effects of the pandemic in Brazil and worldwide are objectively mitigated and that new achievements are possible as much as our safety.


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