We are pleased to announce that Control Quality is now performing fumigation of agricultural commodities in ships’ holds using the fumigant phosphine (aluminium phosphide) in Santos.
Control Quality has successfully demonstrated full compliance with the SDA Normative Instruction no. 66:2006 upon the very first site audit undertaken with no non-conformances raised by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture whatsoever. The SDA NI 66:2006 specifies organisational requirements in the areas of fiscal and sustainable management, fumigant storage, handling and transportation solutions, personnel and collective safety and technical qualifications.
The approval from MAPA was published on the 83rd edition of the Official Journal of the Union dated 05 may 2021 granting Control Quality Santos its government-approved licence under no. BR-SP800.
This is a result of a great deal of work of our team in Santos and a major step forward for the company which will enable us to add value to our clients’ business in the segments of testing, inspection, certification and now fumigation of agricultural commodities.
If you wish to learn more about the inclusion of fumigation activities into our services portfolio, please do not hesitate to contact us.